Daunted by the task of keeping your employees in compliance with state and federal regulations? Having a hard time keeping track of the multiple safety training vendors you need to work with to cover the needs of your dispersed work force? Concerned about the revenue you are losing when your employees are spending so much time in training? Single Source is your one-stop for comprehensive Health, Safety and OSHA training customized to your needs—when, where, and how you want it.

Safety training doesn’t have to stress you or your budget! Single Source Heath & Safety’s flexible training options will keep you in compliance without putting pressure on you or your bottom line.


Health, Safety & OSHA Training On Your Schedule

High quality CPR & First Aid training is just one aspect of a comprehensive health and safety training program. Therefore, we offer dozens of on-site, classroom-based safety training classes that promote the health and safety of your employees.

Do employee work schedules make it nearly impossible to select a day and time that works for all of your employees to attend classroom-based training? If so, Single Source offers hundreds of online construction, general industry, environmental and safety courses.

From traditional classroom based courses to online training with in-person skills testing, Single Source provides flexible training options that meet your employees training preferences and needs. Our modern, Internet-based training options reduce employee downtime and resulting revenue loss. We’ll help you train your employees effectively and efficiently—enabling them to log in and complete our engaging online courses from any location, whenever schedules permit.

Safety Training Pays!

Don’t focus on the cost of implementing a Health and Safety training program for your company—consider the cost of not doing so. Did you know that covering the direct and indirect costs of a $10,000 workplace injury requires a business to increase sales by over $400,000?* When you do the math, it’s clear to see that safety pays!

*(calculation based on a 5% profit margin on products and services and an indirect cost multiplier of 2X of direct costs)

Photo by s-c-s/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by s-c-s/iStock / Getty Images

Health & Safety Training From a Single Vendor – Easy & Efficient

Working with multiple training vendors is both costly and inefficient. Most safety professional prefer the ease and efficiency of working with a few vendors as possible – if not a single vendor. That is what Single Source Health & Safety can bring to your safety program.

Our user-friendly, online employee training administration software, ReadyTeam Pro™, makes tracking and reporting of training compliance easy. And since all of our training programs exceed OSHA and other national regulatory guidelines, never again will you have to worry whether your employees are compliant and your company effectively protected.